EcoProlive partners held their project meeting in Brussels

The conference took place between September 28th and 29th, in Brussels (Belgium).

Already a year has passed since the project started in October 2015, and a new meeting takes place, after the Kick-off Meeting, in the REA building in Brussels, Belgium. The first meeting day was between the partners of the project, while the second meeting day was held between the members of the project and the evaluators, together with the Project officer.

As always, this meeting serves as an opportunity to know what the current situation of the project is, the tasks held up to date during the Periodic Report 1 and those that should be undertaken in the following months until the end of the project. The RTD partners were the main protagonists of this meeting, and one by one they stated the progress achieved in their due tasks throughout their research and tests.

Also, knowledge transference from the RTDs to the SMEs has already begun to be produced. Isanatur will have up to date its plant in Puente la Reina (Navarra), with the technical support of Indetec.

Indeed, different interactions between partners are needed depending on the kind of process developed in the project. Overall, the project’s advances since the last SC&PCC meeting from April were shared among the Consortium partners, and several other issues such as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), management and other technical matters were discussed so partners will take them into account for the following months of project EcoPROLIVE.

This meeting gathered most EcoPROLIVE partners reunite: Contactica, Isanatur, Centro para a Valorizaçao de Residuos (CVR), Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Prometeo srl, Indetec S.L. and the Università di Bologna. All but Evangelos Mihopoulos & SIA O.E., which it is not available at this point.

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