
Biometal Demo partners visit the Servyeco’s facilities

The event took place on June 22nd between 9 am and 6 pm.

Biometal Demo partners visited the Servyeco’s facilities for the industrial production of water treatment products. Moreover, they could see the built pilot by Servyeco to test the new technologies developed by the RTD partners.

After that, all participants explained the working progress since the last meeting and argumented about how to exploit best the more relevant results. That includes the strategy to prove different methods for the removal of heavy metals within the pilot plants developed by the partners in the ENDEKA’s facilities, Sao Domingos mines, and in the facilities of Goñabe industrial.

The event finished with the visit to the ENDEKA’s production plant, where the partners had the opportunity to see how glazes are done, and more important, how the water become reutilised and is treated in this industrial process.

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