22 Jul Contactica is awarded with the Seal of Innovative SME by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
This recognition is valid until December 31st 2018
Last December 2015 the General Management of Innovation and Competitiveness of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness granted the seal of Innovative SME to Contactica. This company has received public funding in the last three years of the 7th Framework Programme and Horizon 2020. Therefore, Contactica complies one fundamental requirement for this distinction.
The seal of Innovative SME pretends to focus on small and medium companies, encourage the identification and facilitate public funding. This recognition is an action promoted due to the recommendations of the “European Charter for Small and Medium Enterprises”. This instrument is not binding but the European countries are committed to develop a specific political framework for SMEs.
In the EU, SMEs are very relevant because they involve 99% of the companies in their territory and two thirds of employment. Also in Spain, the SMEs represent 99% of the industrial fabric, 63% of total employment and 68% of gross value added of the economy, above the European average, according to the Spanish Government.
The support received by SMEs with this seal is very relevant because of Spanish economy should progress toward a productive model which innovation is incorporated as systematic activity of all companies. In addition, the concession to Contactica is a recognition of his work during recent years and his contribution to the world of research.
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