2021 has been a very difficult year for society and all industries due to the glocal COVID-19 crisis.......
The CONTACTICA’s personnel is fully convinced about the food effect on health, in particular the effect of diet on prevention diseases, especially cardiovascular type. Activities related to food industry are aimed at the development and intensification of production processes that enable better use of raw materials and producing fewer waste.
CONTACTICA has participated actively in the following fields of knowledge, for the projects preparation and their presentation to public organisms for the search of funding, execution and/or technical assistance:
Food: development of innovative production processes, improvement of treatment processes and distribution of food. New commercial outputs for maximize secondary products
Health: connection between diet and diseases, obtaining functional ingredients
Ageing: diseases prevention, with particular interest in those coronary type
One of the main problems of our customers in the industry lies in the high volume of waste generated each year, with economic and environmental factor involved. Therefore, our technicians are committed to the revaluation of residues in plant to produce value-added products that can be commercially exploited.
We participate in the development of water treatment technologies and air through innovative and more environmentally friendly processes. In the line of projects that support sustainability, and in the current context of energy crisis, CONTACTICA proposes new ideas for projects in the construction sector in order to minimize energy demand in buildings. In addition, it is looking for the implementation of renewable energy systems in prefabricated houses and buildings.
CONTACTICA has carried out actions in the following areas:
Environment: Development of technologies in the air treatment and water pollution. Soil remediation.
Eco-innovation: Development of new materials. Biorefinery processes. Reappraisal of wastes to produce new products. Improving energy efficiency in buildings and processes.
2021 has been a very difficult year for society and all industries due to the glocal COVID-19 crisis.......
BBI JU launches 22 projects to support the green recovery of Europe The Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI......
The 17th of May was the World Recycling Day. A recent survey released by the data platform Statista,......