What is a Life Cycle Assessment?
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the standardized method recommended by United Nations and European Commission to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of products and supply chains during their entire life cycle
Example of the Life Cycle of a product
Example of the comparison of LCA results for 2 different scenarios
How is a Life Cycle Assessment performed?
LCA is performed following international standards (ISO 14040 & ISO 14044); and expert reviewed methodological guidelines to obtain reliable and comparable results.
LCA Applications
Tailor-made LCA
Contactica can help you to make the most of your time and economic resources, offering different services and adapting ourselves to your needs:
- DigiSPro: Design and scale-up your industrial process optimizing the environmental and economic performance without compromising the product quality.
- LCA of products: Evaluate the environmental performance of your product, identify hotspots and find development opportunities.
- Critical-reviewed LCA: Use the LCA results of your product for communication purposes. We perform the LCA and hire a third party critical reviewer for the verification. It is a mandatory step to get most of environmental eco-labels and certifications.
- Verification: Verify LCAs. We ensure it is compliant to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards.
- LCA and R&D: Research and innovation considering the life cycle environmental impacts of processes and products to assess the environmental feasibility and ecodesign products and processes. CTA has large experience performing LCAs, LCCs and S-LCAs in H2020 and BBI projects.
- LCA for sustainability assessment: Sustainble development involves environment, economy and society. CTA can help you to assess the environmental aspect of your product/process through and LCA and complete the life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) with the economic and social pillars.