
HORIZON EUROPE: CLUSTER 4 Digital, Industry and Space

The new EU’s key funding programme HORIZON EUROPE has already started with a budget of 95.5 billions of euros, and presenting various novelties respecting to the previous programme H2020: Missions, a more integrated and transversal Open Science concept, new partnerships, and the creation of the European Innovation Council (EIC). The programme will specially tackle the fight against climate change, through innovative projects that step up the digital and technological transition, while promoting European competitivity and growth during the 2021-2027 period.

HORIZON EUROPE is structured in three pillars: (1) Excellent science, (2) Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, and (3) Innovative Europe. With a budget of 53.5 billions of euros, the second pillar is composed of 6 clusters comprising health; culture, creativity and inclusive society; civil security for society; food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment; climate, energy and mobility; and, lastly, digital, industry and space, the cluster that will be described below.

What does Cluster 4 include?

Cluster 4, which presents a budget of 3,501.02 millions of euros for the first calls during the years 2021-22, aims to lever European competitivity and growth among the industrial, digital and space-based sectors. It is expected that the projects framed under Cluster 4 will contribute to the industrial development without compromising planetary health, and having an equal impact in all EU citizens at the economic, social and territorial level.

The main goals of Cluster 4 are the optimization of a circular, innovative, digital, competitive and green industry, together with the integration of the space-based sector in a transversal manner to all areas of interest for European society. Although framed under the same cluster 4, three differentiate parts can be observed in the work programme: (1) Digital, (2) Industry and (3) Space.

Between 2021 and 2022, the already published work programme will tackle the following intervention areas or destinations:

  • Climate neutral, circular and digitised production
  • Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry
  • World leading data and computing technologies
  • Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal
  • Open strategic autonomy in developing, deploying and using global space-based infrastructures, services, applications and data
  • A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies

How can we find more information?

Cluster 4 Work Programme has been recently published in the Funding and Tenders portal, and are available through this link. The EC will hold and informative session of Cluster 4 during the days 29 and 30th June. The whole InfoDays calendar is available here

For more information regarding HORIZON EUROPE calls, Cluster 6, or the proposal preparation and writing framed under this cluster, do not hesitate in contact us through our e-mail contactica@contactica.es or phone +34 660 855 535 / +34 91 505 68 73.

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